From December 6 through 9, Miami Beach, Florida, will host the 11th edition of Art Basel, the most prestigious art show in the Americas. More than 260 leading galleries from North America, Europe, Latin America, Asia and Africa will take part, showcasing works by more than 2,000 artists of the 20th and 21st centuries.

The exhibiting galleries are among the world's most respected art dealers, offering exceptional pieces by both renowned artists and cutting-edge newcomers. Special exhibition sections feature young galleries, performance art, public art projects and video art. The show will be a vital source for art lovers, allowing them to both discover new developments in contemporary art and experience rare museum-caliber artworks.

Top-quality exhibitions in the museums of South Florida and special programs for art collectors and curators also help make the event a special time for encountering art. And every year, a greater number of art collectors, artists, dealers, curators, critics and art enthusiasts from around the world participate in Art Basel - the favorite winter meeting place for the international art world.


  1. Hello Mr.Litvinov, We are working on a project about Chernobyl. We would like to ask you some questions if you remember anything. If you do could you please email your contact information to our teacher.( Thanks for your consideration Sam,Caleb,Emily

  2. Mr. Litvinov sir, similar to that of Ann Jackson, I am currently working on an assignment about the Chernobyl disaster. This assignment requires an interview and you seem to be everything I'd ever need. Please contact me at and thank you for your time and consideration.

  3. Mr. Litvionv, like the people above I'm working on a Chernobyl narrative nonfiction paper and it requires an interview. If you could contact me at my email with any information that you remember about Chernobyl that would be great.

  4. Hello Mr. Litvinov, This is Ananth Thomas, a 7th grade student from Columbus, GA. I have been obsessed with Chernobyl ever since I heard about it. I recently came across an interview you gave to NPR in 2011. It was interesting to read about your experiences and how life has been since then for you. We have a National History Day Project and this year's theme is triumph over tragedy. I picked Chernobyl as my theme and your interview with NPR is one of my resources. Please do reply, would be great to hear from you. Wish you the best! Ananth. (
