Foreign Flavor is a grass roots project undertaken by Yuriy Litvinov in order to examine and feed of the inner ambiance of the very core of human morality and emotions.  

The loose premise of the project is collecting information and revealing a person's character through questions and simple conversations that are documented on film. The idea is to reveal different types of love that people have: love between a man and a woman, parent and a child, love to an animal, etc. By identifying all these equally important but so different types of love, Yuriy portrays how people live and feel about their lives. One of the main goals of the project is to prove that life is love, to discover people in a small localized Provincetown who are truly in love, who know what that feeling means. People of all ages, nationalities, sexes and sexual orientations speak about what love is. The act of sharing is not intended to find the only right definition for Love, but to show a broad range of its flavors.

  Each episode is a small, 3 to 4 minutes, video interview different people and their experiences in Provincetown. In the beginning of a conversation Yuriy tries to find out simple information about the interviewee's age and origin, the purpose of coming to Provincetown and how they currently feel about being there. The next block of questions is about love: what love is and how one can describe this feeling. 
 Why Provincetown? Yuriy believes that Provincetown, MA is a very special place. “Like nowhere else” environment determines one's memories about the events that took place here in some particular way. The director of the movie Yuriy Litvinov tends to call Provincetown “the Heaven on the Earth” because of his personal experience of coming there as foreigner and that magic transformation to an American. An amazing path from being an outsider in a community  to becoming a resident, supported by very friendly, laid back and open-minded  members of this community and that magic transformation to truly self.